CJL Resources LLC, a Certified Business Enterprise Program (BEP) Vendor, will significantly benefit Prime Contractors contractual obligations in reaching the State of Illinois BEP goal and ensure that BEP vendors receive the necessary representation and guidance in contracting opportunities.
CJL will manage the Vendor Operations, including Business Enterprise Program (BEP) vendors for Prime companies, that have State of Illinois contracts containing BEP % goals.
CJL's Vendor Solutions software will provide the Prime with a complete view of vendor relationships, risk assessments, due diligence, planning, contract review and ongoing contract monitoring. CJL provides Primes with an analysis of each new vendor and an overall retention assessment.
CJL will network and develop opportunities with BEP vendors, connecting the BEP vendors with Prime contractors based on service value add. CJL will also guide minority businesses through the BEP certification process.